
How to get ready for long hiking trails?

Hiking as most of us know is a sport involving walking while being connected to nature.

Our Hikes are built in a way that mixes between following the safe and good judgments of the planning, walking long trails, climbing, scenery rests, understanding the culture of the area, good food, highly selected company, and music along the way.

Trails difficulty usually can be soft, medium, or hard, but all are accessible as long as you are aware of what are you going to encounter & to be ready mentally & physically.


1- Make sure that u won’t need your phone, luxury necessities, and that your mind is ready for the adventure far away from your comfort zone.

2- Read a little bit about the trails or ask someone experienced in explaining what the trail is about, when you face challenges while you are prepared is better than getting surprised.

3- If you are not working out regularly, then start stretching a few days before the hike (Light stretching is also efficient for your muscles).

4- Make sure u have the right clothing, not necessarily expensive hiking gear, but can be a:

– Sporty flat shoe (make sure the bottom isn’t slippery).

– Thermal material t-shirt + 2 other layers of cloth that should include a warm jumper or jacket.

– Your socks for sure + an extra pair just in case

– Backpack that is on your size, not dangling backward so it won’t hurt your back as we are usually walking around 5 hours per day.

– Trousers better be sporty and comfy, so your walking, resting, sleeping would be done with ease.

5- Safety preparation:

  • Water: be sure that we will be able to re-fill our bottles from natural water supplies along the trail, but you still need to have at least a 1-liter bottle (Preferred to be refillable) & 1 liter spare to be shared between every 2 hikers.
  • Night light: you never know what may happen or what can be the reason for delay, so always have a charged night torch (preferred to be head adjustable) as life can be hard during the night at some points without the light.
  • Never be far from the group as it can be easy to lose your way at the intersecting points, and won’t be easy to hear the rest of the group due to mountain walls or wind that will limit the sound transition
  • Always breath deep and rhythmically to last longer and avoid muscle pains, shortage in breathing, and to have enough oxygen in your bloodstream which will help in taking decisions during emergency situations (The emergency no. 1 rule says ; Stop, Breath, Think & Act)
  • Always let someone who isn’t joining the hike to know about your plan, and have the contact no. of your guide or another friend who is on the same hike with you. In our case it is different as we will give our passports to the security at the base camp (Starting point) and 2 guides will be accompanying the group, one is a local scout, the other is a first aid trained back guide.
  • Always check the weather forecast before starting the trail. And get prepared for the expected weather situations.

In the end, let’s say that people are hiking for different reasons, that can include; physical & mental challenge, running away from the routine and repeated life events, clearing your head and make decisions in life, meeting new friends, knowing new cultures, enjoy the simplicity of life, or just to chill out. So join us for whatever reason and be sure that you will finish what you started.

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